Going From Boracay to Cebu

I got up this morning and said goodbye to Lumiere. I've been hanging out with him for the last month and a half. It has been a great experience hanging with him because he has so much knowledge on traveling and picking up. I definitely picked up some good advice.
I took the shuttle bus from my resort in Bulabog Beach to the ferry station. Originally, the resort wanted to charge me 500 pesos to get to the station but I was able to negotiate the price down to 250 pesos. I was carrying a backpack with my PS3, my laptop bag, and my backpacker's backpack. I think I will buy one small suitcase with me so I don't have to carry my laptop bag and backpack. I think this will minimize the amount of bags I have to carry.
Once at the ferry station, a guy who worked for the ferry helped me with my bags. I tipped him 20 pesos. I then had to pay 25 pesos for the ferry ride to Caticlan and 50 pesos for the terminal fee. The ferry ride was a bit rocky, but I got a nice view of the mountains on the way to Caticlan. After about 10 minutes, we arrived in Caticlan. I had one of the guys working at the Ferry station help me carry my big backpack again and paid him 20 pesos as well. I then got a tricycle taxi for 50 pesos that I had to pay at the tricycle taxi stand to Caticlan Airport.
At the airport, there are two security checkpoints. Also, you have to print out your flight confirmation or they will not let you into the airport. Fortunately, the company I was flying with had an office near the airport. I asked the guy who was working at the front of the airport if he could watch my backpack. I know this was probably a mistake, but I didn't feel like lugging into to the office. When I came back from printing my confirmation, the security guard working at the airport questioned me on why I left my bag there. He also told me that I shouldn't leave my bag unattended. I think it's because it could be considered a security risk.
Nonetheless, I made it into the airport. I checked into my flight and my backpack was only around 11KG so I didn't have to pay an excess baggage fee. Passengers are allowed 10 KG for flights leaving Caticlan. I then had to go through one more security checkpoint and then there was a small waiting room with two gates. I couldn't get a wi-fi connection and my USB internet was not working so I messed around on my computer for two hours. I got to the airport early so it was mostly spent waiting around.
The flight with SE Asia Air was delayed over 40 mins, but the take off didn't take long at all. I presume because the airport in Boracay is small. They also served water and a small pack of BBQ nuts for free. I had my own window seat on the left aisle and I would say that the seats in SE Asia Air were more comfortable than Cebu Pacific. The flight time to Cebu was only 45 minutes. I felt like the flight was rushed by the flight attendant and also found her to be rude. She made a comment to me "Turn off your laptop" we're landing.
I'd say that the price of the flight which was only around 3,000 pesos outweighed the hassle of flying with SE Asia Air. I have yet to find an airline that I really like flying with in the Philippines. But it's a cheap tickets right? So I'll live with it!
I got to Cebu and used my USB internet to get the map of the address to the hostel in case I needed it. I then went over to the information desk and the lady mentioned that the yellow taxis are cheaper, but the white taxes were closest to where we were. I had a lot of luggage, and didn't feel like walking. So I decided to take the more expensive taxi which cost me 360 pesos.
My cab driver was very friendly and asked me "Where are you from?" and other questions. He was quite lively. We drove from Lapu Lapu City where the airport is into Cebu City. The drive took about 20 minutes and you have to cross a bridge which connects the two cities. I had to run some errands the next day and the driver mentioned that he could give me a rate of 1,000 pesos for 3 hrs. I wasn't too interested in it.
We arrived at Cebu Guesthouse. The security guard dressed in white asked "Do you have a reservation?" I told him "No, do you have private rooms available?" He responded "Yes." I went inside to the check in of the hostel and surely enough they did not have any private rooms available - just a dorm. I prefer not to sleep in dorms because I lose out on sleep and it's hard for me to get things done when there are so many people in the room.
I asked for hotel rooms and they recommended the Mango Park Hotel across the street. The security guard was even kind enough to carry my bags to the hotel. I arrived at the hotel and went inside. The place looked nice and then I asked her the magical question "How much per night?" I thought she said 750 pesos, but I was mistaken. She intended to say "1,750 pesos" which is roughly around 40 bucks. I thought about it for a few minutes and decided not to stay. "I'm not in the US and 40 bucks a night for a room is outrageous" I thought to myself.
I called up a couchsurfing girl I had talked to previously and she knew of some places I could stay. She arrived about 10 minutes later and she took me to this pension called C'est la Vie Pension that was about a 5-minute drive away. It's basically a standard private room with TV, air conditioner, closet space, bathroom with hot water shower, queen size bed, and a desk. Wanna know the price? Only 700 pesos per night! It sure beats staying at that overpriced hotel. More to come on my stay in Cebu.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Miguel_Caceres