Cebu Travel Tips

If you are planning your first visit to Cebu, this guide is for you. Just remember that while Cebu is, indeed, a sophisticated and very modern City where almost anything you need can be purchased, there are a few important exceptions - items you will probably want to bring with you.To the seasoned traveler the following list may seem almost too basic, but if you are making your first excursion to Cebu, it should be...
Hats and Other Covering
Shade is always at a premium, what with the hot Cebu sun. Bring a wide-brimmed hat. For women, this is especially important, as you will be more accepted when touring old churches if you wear some type of head covering. You will also want to bring scarves or similar apparel to protect from the sun.
Sun Block
Sun burn is a major concern. It can wreck your trip. I have seen this too often to ignore. Many tourists' vacations are virtually ruined after only one day of sightseeing. You can buy sunscreen in Cebu, but to be sure, you probably should bring your own favorite brand and strength.
More than once, you will find yourself admiring a brilliantly glaring view of beaches and islands. You will NEED a good pair of sunglasses with an ultra-high UV rating. Again, while these may be purchased in Cebu, you might be wise to bring your own . . . and a spare pair.
Cebu Travel Tips Other Needs
Yes, it is fun to just roam and explore new areas, but when you travel to an extremely "foreign" environment such as Cebu, you run the risk of missing all the good stuff, like the classic antiquities and other aspects of the experience. So, I advise you strongly to pick up a good guidebook (or two). Even with guided tours, you'll find that such a book will give you time for orientation both before and after the actual tours. These too can be found in Cebu, but why not be sure, and save some time, by picking one up before you leave?
I'm sure I don't have to remind you to bring your camera. But there are a couple of things you should consider.
Comfortable Walking Shoes
This is probably one of the first things most people will tell you to bring to Cebu. Most tourists will be doing a considerable amount of walking, and shoes should not be just comfortable, but comfortable. Unlike leather shoes for mountain walks and such, it is also preferable that walking shoes to be able to "breathe", and perhaps made of a lightweight nylon or similar fabric. "Tennis shoes" or other sporting types of shoes are good for this. Also, keep in mind that there are a lot of steps in Cebu.
Power Adapters
Cebu uses 220 volt plug-ins, and plugs are two-prong rounded. You'll need one of the two varieties of power adaptors. For electronic gear that has switches to allow you to change the power input type, a simple wall adapter is all you will need. However, for devices that don't feature such switches, you will need not only a wall adapter, but also a power converter.
Do NOT forget to bring your prescription medicine! It may be generally available in Cebu drug stores, but it may be called by a different name. So, to avoid confusion and problems, I suggest you bring the drugs you will require with you. Fortunately, there is no problem bringing prescription medication into Cebu. It is also more convenient to bring your favorite non-prescription medications along. Though you can find eqivalent non-prescription medications, such as aspirin or heart burn medication, you might not find your favorite brands.Special note: Don't forget your Imodium.
Travel Alarm
While most hotels will happily give you a wake-up call, many don't. Particularly if you aren't travelling with a group, a travel alarm will come in very handy. I often use mine to make sure that I can catch a little sleep in airports, and still catch my flight.
Sewing Kits
Some of the larger hotels, as well as some of the better-equipped smaller hotels, might supply a sewing kit in your room, but don't count on it. Most Cebu tours are relatively long, and it is not unusual to lose a button here or there as you walk through beach.
Alcoholic Beverages
It is generally unnecessary for you to haul your favorite libations along with you. You will find many very good beers and wines in Cebu, and they are easily affordable. In fact, I consider Cebu beer to be excellent. However, harder alcoholic beverages such as whiskies and bourbons can be quite hard to find, and very expensive if you do. You may bring up to two liters of liquor into the country, and you may buy additional liquor at a reasonable price at the tax-free shop prior to leaving the airport.
Cigarettes are available and inexpensive, but only in very limited variety. For example, Marlboro Lights are readily available, but not Marlboro 100s. In fact, very few "long" cigarettes are available. While you can purchase "American" cigarettes almost anywhere (LE 7.50), usually what you will find are Cebui-manufactured cigarettes, which are noticeably harsher then the ones you are used to. Remember, just because you are buying Marlboro does not mean it will be the same Marlboro that you would buy in the U.S. or Europe.
Extra Bag
If you are the type who likes to bring home souvenirs, you should consider bringing an extra bag when you visit Cebu. Just stuff it inside another bag before you leave home, and then use it to carry back souvenirs. Alternatively, many business people or guests of Cebuians often bring presents into Cebu, and once emptied, the bag is used to bring souvenirs back. You can find plenty of bags to purchase in Cebu. They are cheap but not the best quality
Cebu Travel Tips What to Wear
Cebu is a very conservative country and visitors need to respect this. For instance, absolutely no topless or nude sunbathing is permitted. Just use your head.On the practical side, leave your synthetic clothes at home; they will prove to be too hot in summer and not warm enough in summer. You want to bring materials that breathe. Since the Cebu summer can be hot, it is advisable to wear cotton. In summer, you'll appreciate having layers that can be removed during the heat of the day and put back on for the cooler evenings.
Follow the example of the locals and wear loose and flowing garments. Not only are these appropriately modest, but they are also very practical in the hot climate.
Bring comfortable shoes. You will be doing a lot of walking. In summer, wear a hat to protect yourself from the glaring Cebu sun.
Cebu Travel Tips What to Bring
Above all, travel light. Get wheels for your luggage, and leave heavy items at home. Bring a camera. If you don't, you will be sorry. Sunglasses are a must, as the sun is very strong in Cebu. For more, please see above.
Finally, as with any expedition to a new and foreign environment, bring along your good humor and a positive attitude. For many, and even those who have done extensive traveling in the U.S. or Europe, Cebu will be very different. You will find that attitudes are more "laid-back," time is less important, and even that some Cebu can be a bit annoying (especially when selling their wares or their services at tourism sites).In Cebu, you will hopefully learn to let the smaller problems you might encounter roll off your shoulders, and simply enjoy this, the oldest of all civilizations.